Diocese of Cape Town

Anglican Church of Southern Afica

Church Men's Society

Welcome to the Church Men’s Society, a gathering of dedicated and purpose-driven men within the Anglican Diocese of Cape Town. We are a fellowship of men from diverse backgrounds, brought together by a common commitment to faith, service, and community.

Our mission is to provide a platform where men can grow in their faith, connect with one another, and serve their church and the broader community. We believe that through collective effort and shared values, we can make a positive impact on the world around us.

The Church Men’s Society is a place where men can find camaraderie, spiritual enrichment, and opportunities for service. We engage in various activities, including discussions, outreach projects, and support for those in need, all aimed at strengthening our faith and fostering a sense of brotherhood.


The Revd Mark Andrews
Tel: +27 21 797 4177 


Mr. Clive Adams
Tel: +27 21 952 7174

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