Diocese of Cape Town

Anglican Church of Southern Afica


Vision & Mission

The Mission Statement of TEFT actually sums up the Vision: “TEFT produces leaders, both lay and ordained, who have Christian Character, who have appropriate levels of Competence, and who are able to serve in the diverse Contexts of the Church.”
Thus, Character, Competence, and Contexts are the focus of TEFT’s vision.

While none of the three elements is more or less important than the other, it must be obvious that Character is ultimately at the core of any leadership training. No matter the skills and abilities a Christian leader may have, without a heart for, and evidence of, godliness, those skills and abilities are of little lasting value for the Kingdom of God. In conversation with the Archbishop recently, he stated that above all else church leaders are to be people of prayer. At the centre of Christian Character and the quest for holiness is that communion with God which pervades and guides actions and life itself.

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