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Bishop Joshua Louw’s Column – Feb 2024

Greetings to you and I pray that your Lenten journey has been blessed thus far. Lent is a time when we do some serious introspection regarding our walk with God and one another and try to improve on it.

We always endeavor for this period to be less busy, so that we can spend more time in prayer and meditation, but we are also aware that it is the beginning of the year when there is much activity.

Schools and tertiary institutions have opened their doors and I want to wish all learners, students and educators a fruitful year. Do your best amidst all the challenges. I had the privilege of attending and presiding at the Education Sunday service at St Paul’s, Rondebosch, where we also commissioned the regional executive of the Anglican Students’ Federation – Western Cape. We are very grateful that our Anglican Societies are active at UCT, CPUT, UWC and Stellenbosch. So, if you are a student at one of these institutions, I encourage you to make contact. I know that UCT meets every Thursday evening at 5-6pm for Bible Study at An-House and have a student service on a Sunday at St Paul’s, Rondebosch at 11am.

It is the season of Vestries, so my prayer is that all vestry meetings will go off well and that the new leadership that will be chosen for your parishes will be committed and dedicated in the things of God. Remember also that it is our Synod year, 13-15 June 2024, more details will follow.

Please pray for Canon Stafford Moses who will be consecrated as the third bishop of False Bay on Saturday, 24th February 2024 at All Saints Cathedral, Somerset West. Keep his wife, Bishop Yvette and daughters, Melanie and Bethany in your prayers.

Our Synod of Bishops will be held in our diocese from Monday, 26th February to Friday, 1st March 2024. Please keep Archbishop Thabo in your prayers as he will preside over this very important gathering in the life of ACSA. The Bishops and Vicar-Generals will be worshipping in parishes across our diocese on Sunday, 25th February 2024.

Our President has announced the 29th of May 2024 as our election day and I once again want to urge you, if you have not yet registered to vote, to do so. This will give you, as a citizen of this country, the right to vote in the government whom you feel will be able to lead our country to a prosperous future for all.

I am journeying with the people of St Dominic’s, Hanover Park on the Wednesday evenings in Lent, Maundy Thursday and on Good Friday. We are all aware of the ongoing gang warfare in our communities and my presence in the community is just a symbolical way of showing that we care and continue to pray for an end to the senseless killing on our streets. We are in the process of planning an ecumenical Procession of Witness on the afternoon of Palm Sunday. I invite you all to join us as we will be marching through the streets of Hanover Park praying for peace in our communities. We are not only praying for Palestine and Ukraine, but that God’s Kingdom will reign over all the earth.

Please keep Reverend Notemba Ntuli in prayer as she is in the Lentegeur Rehabilitation Centre after spending a few weeks in Groote Schuur Hospital. Pray for God’s healing. We pray too for strength to her family and the parish of Holy Cross, Nyanga.

The Venerable Melaney Klaasen will be instituted as rector of St Mark’s, District 6, Cape Town on Sunday, 3rd March 2024 at 3pm. All are welcome to attend.

We are hoping that The Reverend Kevin David and his family, from Mauritius, will be arriving soon on our shores. The provisional date for his institution as the rector of St Aidan’s, Lansdowne is Saturday, 9th March 2024 at 2pm.

As we Journey through lent, let us keep our eyes on the cross and continue to spread the love of Jesus wherever we go.

God bless!























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